[ nature] 悉尼科技大学发现精子挑选最新技术,或能提高辅助生殖成功率!
发布时间:2023-05-17 14:13 字体: 点击量:

来自 nature microsystems & nanoengineering的科研成果


悉尼科技大学和诞生于悉尼科技大学的初创企业 NeoGenix Biosciences 的研究人员创造并测试了一种新的微流体精子选择设备——一种3D打印的、受生物学启发的微流控精子选择装置 (MSSP),它利用多种方法来模拟精子的选择过程。该设备提供了一种更可靠的选择高质量精子的过程。


Sperm selection is an essential component of all assisted reproductive treatments (ARTs) and is by far the most neglected step in the ART workflow in regard to technological innovation. Conventional sperm selection methodologies typically produce a higher total number of sperm with variable motilities, morphologies, and levels of DNA integrity. Gold-standard techniques, including density gradient centrifugation (DGC) and swim-up (SU), have been shown to induce DNA fragmentation through introducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) during centrifugation. Here, we demonstrate a 3D printed, biologically inspired microfluidic sperm selection device (MSSP) that utilizes multiple methods to simulate a sperms journey toward selection. Sperm are first selected based on their motility and boundary-following behavior and then on their expression of apoptotic markers, yielding over 68% more motile sperm than that of previously reported methods with a lower incidence of DNA fragmentation and apoptosis. Sperm from the MSSP also demonstrated higher motile sperm recovery after cryopreservation than that of SU or neat semen. Experiments were conducted side-by-side against conventional SU methods using human semen (n = 33) and showed over an 85% improvement in DNA integrity with an average 90% reduction in sperm apoptosis. These results that the platform is easy-to-use for sperm selection and mimics the biological function of the female reproductive tract during conception.


根据世界卫生组织的数据,全世界大约有六分之一的人受到不孕症的影响,而澳大利亚每 22 个孩子中就有一个是通过辅助生殖出生的。因此如何提高辅助生殖的成功率,成为科学家们最关心的事情。

传统的精子选择方法,例如密度梯度离心法,会导致 DNA 断裂和细胞死亡,从而导致 IVF 周期失败。这项新技术是一种 3D 打印的、受生物学启发的微流体精子选择装置,它复制了女性生殖道和自然精子选择过程,其中只有一小部分高质量精子到达卵子。研究人员针对传统的 IVF 选择方法进行了广泛的测试,新方法显示 DNA 完整性提高了 85%,精子细胞死亡平均减少了 90%。研究人员表示,通过这种方法选择的精子在冷冻后的恢复也比传统方法更好。

研究人员与莫纳什大学将和澳大利亚 IVF 诊所合作,将该技术应用于临床实践,对 MSSP 的临床应用进行进一步研究,以验证其在异常精液样本中的有效性。他们希望该设备能为不孕症患者提供帮助,并减少试管婴儿失败的次数。
